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Summer Term A08

Name: Date: ………. Group ……………..

I. Complete the sentences with one word only.

1. Linda can use the hotel swimming pool if she wishes.

2. Do you mind if I ask a personal question?

3. I would like to pay by credit card please.

4. I will ask Dominique if he wants some more water.

5. Send me a text message if you get lost.

II. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. world / is / English / the / all / spoken / over

English is spoken all over the world.

  1. since / has / nylon /1932/ made / been

Nylon has been since 1932.

  1. Assita's / invited / I / to / wasn´t / party / why?

Why wasn’t I invited to Assita’s party?

  1. Will / when / be/ new / the / bridge/ built?

When will the new bridge be built?

  1. asked / car / design / were / they / to / new / a

They were asked to design a new car.

III. Put in the correct forms of the verbs in italic.

  1. You can't help like liking . him.

  2. We decided stay to stay at home.

  3. We expect hear to hear from Ann soon.

  4. Do you fancy go going …out tonight?

  5. I want see to see the manager.

  6. Do you enjoy watch watching……… football?

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.

How many students are wearing Nike? Take a look around the class. Millions of items of Nike sportswear (1) sell (sell) every year, and the company is now the world's biggest sportswear manufacturer. The company - whose name (2) is pronounced (pronounce) Nyekee - has come a long way from its small origins in the US state of Oregon. The company (3) is named (name) after the Greek goddess of victory, and (4) made (make) its first shoes back in the 1970s. Nowadays, Nike (5) is known (know) for its cleaver advertising campaigns, using the best-known sportsmen and women. In the eighties and nineties, basketball legend Michel Jordan (6) made (make) a series of adverts for the company and in 1997, golf star Tiger Woods (7) was paid (pay) $40 million to star in another series of adverts. A sign of the company's fame is that the word (8) does not appear (no appear) on the company's products. The famous Nike tick (9) is recognised (recognise) all over the world. It (10) was created (create) by a designer who (11) received (receive) just $35 for the idea.

V. Complete the story below. Put either the verbs in brackets into the Past simple or Past continuous, or put the or Ř (no article) in front of the noun.

A kind old lady (1) was walking (walk) down some steps on her way to town when she (2) saw (see) a little boy who (3) was sitting (sit) at (4) the bottom of (5) (steps). He (6) was crying (cry). "What is the matter?" she (7) asked (ask). He (8) stopped (stop) crying. "It's my birthday, he (9) said (say), "and my parents (10) gave (give) me a new bicycle and some computer games, and this afternoon, we're having a party at (11) home with (12) ice cream and (13) chocolate biscuits". How strange", (14) said (say) the old lady, (15) little boys usually like (16) birthday parties and (17) ice cream. "Why (18) are you crying (cry)?". "Because I'm lost!"

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