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If you don’t or didn’t have the possibility to study a foreign language at school, you still have many opportunities how to learn it. You can pay for lessons in various language courses, either state or private. There are also some TV courses and many textbooks and cassettes from abroad are available now. You can also apply for a language school or take lessons from a private teacher. But you don’t have to learn only by sitting at school and trying to get as much information as possible from the teacher. You can also learn from songs and movies, but in my opinion, the best way how to learn and improve the foreign language is to live in the foreign country. However, it’s not only about living there but it’s mostly about wanting to learn the language and minimising the usage of your mother tongue. You can travel abroad with some agencies like Student Agency for studies or even work (for example au pair) or you can go on your own, with friends or family and just do sightseeing.

And now, I’d like to tell something about my language skills. First I started to learn English in the 4th class of my primary school, so I study it for about 10 years now. Then I started to study French here in tercie, so I study it for about 6 years and I also do my maturita exam from French. I also speak a little bit of Italian, because I studied it as an autodidact with my friend for about half a year, but then I had to stop, because Italian is really similar to French and therefore I started using Italian words during French lessons which was unacceptable for my maturita exam. But I would like to start over again sometimes in the future. Actually, I want to study languages at the university, probably the translations or interpretership or the tourism, so I would like to learn more languages, for example Italian as I’ve already mentioned, Spanish or even some unusual language, maybe Greek or Finnish. As one clever sentence says: „As many times you’re a man as many languages you speak.“

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