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The main advantage of the Internet is its velocity - we can find news about some events just few minutes after when they happened.

And now I’d like to tell you some of my own opinions and experiences. Media don’t play such an important role in my life, but I want to be informed too. Mostly I use the Internet as a medium, because I can find the fresh news very quickly. I hardly ever read newspapers, the last time I bought them it was because there were some information about universities. I also don’t listen to the radio very often, usually only in the car or at the swimming pool. When I was younger I used to watch TV a lot but not anymore because there aren’t much interesting programmes and I also don’t have much time for it.

To sum up, I think media are very important in our lives. But because many people believe anything they see in the mass media, they can easily get influenced by the authors, who can enforce their own opinions to the followers. So, I think it’s important to choose carefully your source of information.

I think the media should be always honest, objective and tell the truth, the journalists and reporters shouldn’t be biased or create panic among people.

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