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2. Customs and traditions

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Shoe – girls throw the shoe and if the toe of the shoe faces the door the girl gets married in coming up year.

New Year’s Eve

people stay up until midnight. It’s a big celebration, till the morning. Many people watch fireworks and drink alcohol.

only Czech republic:

1st of April

On that day, you are allowed to pull jokes and pranks. It’s very popular among children. The origin of this tradition probably dates back to the 16th century, when the Julian calendar changed to Georgian. According to the old one the New Year started on April 1st and those who did not accept or forgot the change were called ,,April Fools”.

April 30th

On the evening of April 30th, Czech people build a bonfire and prepare an effigy of the witch. They thought that if they made something that looked like a witch and burned it, they could finally get rid of the cold weather. As soon as it's dark, the effigy of the witch is brought out Then it is thrown into the bonfire. Nowadays It is a day , when a lot of people go back to the villages and they meet their friends and distant relatives.

only British and american:

There are some diffrent and very important holidays we don't celebrate in Czech republic:

The Queen’s Offical Birthday

in June. It’s a holiday in theGB. It is a great ceremony with parade with Queen’s guards and soldiers.

St. Patrick’s Day

it’s a holiday in theGB and in theUSA. Originally it was an Irish holiday. In the GB and USA people wear green and in restaurants are offerd Irish meals and dance Irish dances.


it’s a holiday in theGBand in theUSA. In Britain it is celebrated only in the North of England and in Scotland. It is the evening before All Saints’ day. There is a lot of fun on this day. Children like dressing in funny or ghostly costumes. They go from house to house and knock on their door or ring the bell. When people answer the door they say „Trick or treat“ which means „give us a treat or we will play a trick on you“. The people treat the children with sweets, fruit or money. People often give parties on Halloween. They like decorating their houses and carving the pumpkin bogeys.

Independence Day

4th July. It’s a holiday in theUSA. This day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independece in 1776. It is one of the most meaningful holidays in the USA. People are dressed in national colours, houses are decorated by national flags.Some town and cities have parades and fireworks.

Thanksgiving Day

it is celebrated 4 th Thursday in November in theUSA. It was first celebrated by the Pilgrim Fathers, who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on their fist harvest. Now it is an occasion for whole family to be together. It is celebrated by a traditional dinner. The main course is roast turkey.

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