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01 looking for a job

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Looking for a Job

At first, you should decide what kind of work you would like to do. Try to find some type of the job offer. We can find the offers in newspapers, periodicals, magazines, internet or on TV. We can visit a recruitment agency too or hear about a job from friends. Nowadays the most popular is looking for a job using the internet. There you can find a job advertisement or you have a possibility to send your biography there. There can appear about 100 offers a day.

In the job advertisement, there must be the job title, the location of the job, the name of the advertiser, the date the job was first posted, some contact as your address or email address, accurate characteristic of the working position, working hours, what this firm offers and what is required, for example the type of education, foreign languages, practice or a driving licence. Sometimes there can be information about salary. Sometimes they can require other skills.

There are many jobs suitable for our specialization, many positions in museums and galleries for example a shop assistant, a curator and other museum worker. For some positions, we need a relevant education. We must have some practice from museums and galleries. It is necessary to know all the conditions for exhibition and all the objects in a museum or in a gallery. For some special types of work, for example a restorer or a conservator, you need a special education and examination.

I think there is no problem to find a job nowadays. We have many opportunities of looking for a job. It is very important to write your Curriculum Vitae. There are lots of ways how to write CV, it depends particularly on the purpose. The CV can be chronological, functional describing all the relevant experience, and the combination of the previous two types. It should include personal data, permanent address, education, employment history, information about languages, additional skills, activities and hobbies, and references. Another important thing is the covering letter that should be short but clear. Then you should be prepared for the interview. We should convince a potential employer that I am the best candidate for the job. We can get many types of questions, for example „Why did you choose this profession?“, „What do you know about our company?“ or „Why should we give you a chance to work in our company?“. We should be dressed smartly. Stay in eye contact with the interviewer, don’t stare, only look at him/her directly. You should show a sense of humour. Don’t arrive late.

Many young people take advantage of working abroad. It is a good opportunity to learn foreign languages, earn more money, become independent and get to know the different culture. In many countries they have the different standard of living. It is better to be there at least one year. If you can a foreign language quite well, you can find a job much better. Nowadays the majority of firms require a good knowledge of a foreign language, especially of English and German.

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