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Rozhovory_u doktora, volání záchranky

Stáhnout kompletní materiál zdarma (65.47 kB)

Níže je uveden pouze náhled materiálu. Kliknutím na tlačítko 'Stáhnout soubor' stáhnete kompletní formátovaný materiál ve formátu PDF.

First situation - MAKING APPOINTMENT

R(receptionist): Yes, please? How may I help you?

P(patient): Hello, I would like to make an appointment with Doctor Walker, please.

R: What is your name?

P: Oh, sorry. My name is ……

R: OK. What would you like to see Doctor Walker for?

P: I need make a pre-op examination. I am going to undergo a knee surgery next Thursday.

R: Doctor Brown has openings next week. Are you free on Monday or Tuesday?

P: Monday morning would suit me well.

R: Fine. We will schedule your appointment for the next week Monday at 9 am.

P: Thank you very much. Bye.

Second situation - SEEING THE DOCTOR

P(patient): Good morning, Doctor.

D(doctor): Hello. Sit down. What can I do for you?

P: I came today because I need pre-op examination.

D: OK. So, we will start. Do you feel good? Do you have temperature? Do you recently have any infection disease? Or
are you in pain?

P: No, I have not a temperature. I feel totally healthy and nothing hurts me.

D: Well, but to be sure I would like to have a look at your throat. Can you open your mouth nice and wide? …… Yes,
that looks absolutely fine. Could you roll up your sleeve? I will check your blood pressure.

P: Sure.

D: OK. Your blood pressure is quite low. But in this case, it does not matter.

P: Yes, it does not surprise me. I usually have the low blood pressure.

D: Now could you please strip to the waist, I want to examine your chest and listen to your breathing and heart.

P: No problem…Oh, it is cold

D: Yes, it is. Now take a deep breath … now stop breathing. OK, turn to me please. I want to check your heart. Please
stop breathing again than your heart is better to be heard. Good. Everything is alright. You can dress up. Fine, we are
done. Now the nurse will take your blood count, throat culture and put your urine through lab tests.

P: Oh, the blood count? I hate shot.

D: Do not be afraid. It does not hurt and the nurse is very handy.

P: You calmed me.

D: If everything is alright tomorrow you will receive a report confirming that you can undergo the surgery.

P: Thank you doctor, bye.

D: You are welcome, bye.

Third situation – VISITING A PATIENT

V(visitor): Hello, I am here to visit my friend.

N(nurse): What is your friend’s name? And why is she staying here?

V: Her name is … She is lying here after a knee surgery.

N: Yes, I see Miss … is in inpatient ward in the room number five. Do you need directions?

V: Yes, please. I have not been in this hospital yet.

N: She is in the west wing. Take this elevator to the second floor. Than walk down the hall along dermatology
department and make a left turn in front of surgical department. The room number five is on the left side.

V: Thanks for the help, bye.


P(person): Oh, my gosh. I need ambulance, please.

A(ambulance): What is the matter?

P: My friend fell of the tree and he hit his leg on the ground. And it is bleeding very much now.

A: Where are you?

Témata, do kterých materiál patří