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Rozhovory_u doktora, volání záchranky

Stáhnout kompletní materiál zdarma (65.47 kB)

Níže je uveden pouze náhled materiálu. Kliknutím na tlačítko 'Stáhnout soubor' stáhnete kompletní formátovaný materiál ve formátu PDF.

P: At the beginning of Rose street right between the roundabout and bus stop. How long will it take?

A: Do not worry. We will be there right away. But before we get there follow the instruction, I will tell you now.

P: Fine.

A: Is wounded unconscious?

P: No, he is communicating with me.

A: Well. Now make an anti -shock position.

P: What is that?

A: Just place him on the ground. And lift his legs into the air.

P: It is done.

A: Now you should try to stop the arterial bleeding. Take your sleeve, make sure it is not dirty and press it into the
wound. Do not be afraid. There have to be a big pressure to stop the bleeding.

P: What? Sleeve?

A: Yes! Or scarf or something like that.

P: Fine, fine … Done.

A: Well. Now wait. The ambulance will arrive in two minutes.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří