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2. Maturitni otazka_The Czech Republic

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Bedřich Smetana was a composer. Internationally he is best known for his opera The Bartered Bride, for the symphonic cycle Má vlast ("My Fatherland").

Jaromír Jágr is a Czech professional hockey player currently playing for the New Jersey Devils of the NHL.


When you visit Czech, you should visit:

Prague Castle is a castle in Prague where the Kings of Bohemia and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices. The Bohemian Crown Jewels are kept within a hidden room inside it.

Křivoklát Castle can be found in Central Bohemian Region.

When you prefer nature, you can visit:

The Macocha Abyss is a sinkhole in the Moravian Karst cave system of the Czech Republic.

Bohemian Paradise is a Protected Area. This piece of land is popular thanks to a beautiful nature.

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