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23. Travelling and transport

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    • allows you to see the countryside and to get up and move around wherever you want

    • trains are usually better for the environment than planes

    • disadvantages of travelling by a train are that it’s slower and more expensive than bus

  • BUS

    • travelling by bus is greener than flying or using a car

    • on a bus you can enjoy the countryside

    • disadvantages are that you don’t have much space especially for your legs and that it can get stuck in a traffic jam


    • is the fastest and safest way to travel

    • it’s also the cheapest way if you buy tickets in advance → if you don’t then the bus is better

    • on the other hand it‘s bad for enviromental and you have to go through a lot of security at the airports

    • flying can also be stressful and cause headache or blocked ears

  • CAR

    • allows you to travel anytime you want

    • you can also stop when you want and take as much luggages as you like

    • disadvantages of going by car are that you have to find a place where to park or you can get stuck in a traffic jam

    • it’s also bad for the environment


    • the biggest advantege of hitchhiking is that it’s for free

    • on the other hand the mostly mentioned risk is that you don’t know the person who’s driving and you don’t know what his intentions are

    • you may also wait for hours in bad weather until someone picks you up


  • BOAT

    • in Prague as well as in London you can take a river cruise to see the famous sights of the city

    • during the cruise you can buy some drinks or food

    • cruises are often commented so you can get to know some facts about the town

    • you can even book some theme cruises such as with jazz or other live music


    • Prague has only one international airport which is called airport of Václav Havel – our former president

    • whereas in London there are 6 international airports

      • the biggest one is Heathrow and others are f.ex. Stansted or Gatwick

    • in front of airports there are usually taxis which take you wherever you want but they are quite expensive


    • London was the first city in the world with underground railway system called the Tube

      • and it consists of 11 lines

    • the Prague Metro consists of 3 lines (A, B and C)

    • if you want to travel by an underground you have to have a paper ticket or special card (in London called Oyster card) for multiple uses

      • basic tickets in Prague costs 32 CZK for a 90-minutes ride or 24 CZK for 30-minutes ride

    • the undergrounds in London and in Prague close overnight for maintenance

  • BUS

    • London is also famous for its red double-decker buses

    • if you want to travel by a bus you have to have a paper ticket or special card (in London called Oyster card) for multiple uses

    • you can also book a sightseeing bus tour in London and in Prague as well

  • CARS

    • allows you to travel anytime you want and you can also stop when you want

    • disadvantages of going by car are that you have to find a place where to park or you can get stuck in a

traffic jam

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