7. Maturitní téma - European Union
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27 members countries
502 519 978 inhabitants
6 countries found it
1951 everything started
2004 CR joined
17 countries which has euro
12 stars on the flag
23 official languages
After the Second World War, in 9 May 1950 Robert Schuman (French foreign minister) came up with
the idea of "united Europe"1951 - ECSC (European Coal and Steel community) -> 6 countries (Lnx, Bel, Net, Fr, Ge, It)
1957 - EEC/EURATOM (European economic community) -> deeper integration
1967 - they created
Council of Ministers (now Council of EU)
European Parliament
1979 - the first public elections to the EP took place
1992 - Maastricht Treaties
introduced news forms of cooperation
single European market
the European Union
2002 - 12 states (out of 15) adopted Euro, the single European currency
3 countries didn´t: GB, Swed, Denmark
Slo, Slovenia, Esto, Cyprus, Malta - used Euro
2004 - CR + 9 other states, they joined to EU (Malta, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, CR, Hungary) <= biggest enlargement
2007 - last enlargement => Romania, Bulgaria entered
2013 - Croatia
candidate states:
Turkey, Serbia, FJRM (Former Jugoslavian Republic of Macedonia)
peace and stability
stable economic development and prosperity
sustainable development in other areas (social affairs/environment)
EU ensure freedom, safety justice...
protects the culture of heritage of all nations and cultural diversity
to live/to study/to work/to travel...
to vote and be elected
! The Charter of fundamental rights of the EU
the right to strike
reconcile the..(family and profesional life)
flag - blue background with 12 golden (yellow) stars -> it symbolizes prosperity, peace etc..
anthem "Ode to Joy"
Europe Day (annualy on 9 May)
currency - Euro
European Commission
in Brussels
27 members (commissioners)
run the EU on the daily basic
implement the new legislation/regulations/directives..
European Parliament
754 MEPs, CR - 22 MEPs
they propose, pass new legislation
responsible for the budget
supervise the commission
Council of the EU
in the past it was called Council of Ministers
27 councellors
ministers responsible for the given agenda
new legislation
every 6 months a different country presides the Council of the EU
European Council
discuss priorities/visions/directions/the future of the EU
ECJ = European Court of Justice
ECA = European Court of Auditors
ECB = European Central Bank (in Frankfurt)