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Australia and New Zealand

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19. Australia and New Zealand



  • Australia is a continent between the Indian and the Southern Pacific Ocean (the smallest continent)

  • it is an island

  • Australia is in southern hemisphere (nickname The Land Down Under)



  • New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia


  • Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory


  • flag - dark blue with the flag of UK in the upper left hand corner

- the lower left hand corner contains a seven pointed star known as the Commonwealth star = each of the star’s points represents on the of the six sovereign states, and the seventh represents all of the territories

- the rest of the flag is a picture of Southern Cross constellation, which can only be seen in the southern hemisphere (one small stare and four larger ones)

  • coat of arms

  • golden wattle

  • national anthem - Advance Australia Fair


  • Australia was settled by Aboriginals (indigenous Australians) about 50 000 years ago

  • Aboriginal culture was mostly hunter-gathered and about 250 languages were spoken there

  • Australia was at first discovered by the Dutch in 17th century

  • in 1770 James Cook, British explorer, claimed Australia for Britain - in 1788 was the first colony established in today’s Sydney Harbour

  • Australia was originally settled as a prison colony

  • in 1850s gold was discovered in Australia and many people moved there

  • in 1901 Australia became an independent nation - six colonies agreed to become a federation

  • in 1927 Canberra was declared as the federal capital


  • climate - quite different from the rest of the world = it is the driest inhabited continent on earth, and the centre of the country has one of the lowest rainfall rates in the word

  • hot and dry centre - the centre is mostly desert

  • tropical regions in the north with heavy air

  • the south is milder with hot summers and cool winters

  • bushfires are a common feature in the Australian environment

  • mountains - Snowy Mountains, Kata Tjuta - highest peak of it is Mount Olga = holy place for natives, the highest mountain of Australia is Mount Kosciuszko

  • rivers - the longest one is the Murray River, other ones are Georgina, Finke

  • lakes - the biggest lake is Lake Eyre = the lowest natural point, other lakes are Blue Lake, Dove Lake

  • national parks - national park Kakadu (prehistorical cave paintings, petroglyphs), national park Uluru-Kata Tjuja (Rulu) = UNESCO

  • Great Barrier Reef - the largest coral reef in the world, which lies along the coast of Queensland = also UNESCO

  • animal species in Australia - thanks to the climate and geographical isolation of the continent there are unique animals such as kangaroo, koala bar, Tasmanian devil, platypus

- most venomous snakes in the world

  • typical vegetation in Australia - grass, eucalyptus grass


  • a federation of independent states (democratic)

  • official title is the Commonwealth of Australia

  • formally the head of state is monarch of UK - Queen Elizabeth II., who is represented by Governor General

  • the federal government is led by the prime minister, the government in individual states is led by the premier

  • voting in Australia is compulsory

  • if voter doesn’t give a satisfactory reason for not taking a part in an election, he or she is fined

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