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Education - Education in the Czech Republic, GB, USA

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Education - Education in the Czech Republic, GB, USA


In the Czech Republic school attendance is compulsory for children from the age of 6 up to 15. 
It is free of charge and children have the same possibilities for their future education.

Pre-school education
-nursery schools for children aged 1 to 3 years
-from the age 3-6 children attend kindergartens
-this pre-school education is not compulsory

Primary education
-children aged 6 to 15 attend primary schools
-education at state school is free of chargé
-private and church schools chargé fees
-some pupils can transfer to a grammar school at the age of 11

Secondary education
-boys and girls over 15 attend secondary school such as grammar schools, special schools..
-secondary schools usually last for four years and finished with a maturita exam
-the grammar and specialized schools are finished with a school-leaving examination

Tertiary education
-universities and colleges provide tertiary education which lasts from four to six years
-sccessful students from secondary school can enter any university after they have passed exam


School attendance is compulsory for children aged 5-16.

Primary Schools
-for children between 5 and 11

Secondary Schools
-for children over 11 years

Independent Schools (Nezávislé školy)
-addition  to this sate system (přidání)
-for pupils from 11-19 years
-which are better known as Public schools

Secondary education 
-is completed with the examination called the General Certificate of  Secondary Education (GCSE)
-the advanced level of this exam is a basic qualification for university admission

The university courses usually last from 3-4 years.
The famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge. 


In the USA school attendance is compulsory from the age 6-16.
For children under 6 pre-school education is provided by nursery schools and kindergartens.

Public school
-most children attend this school
-free of charge

Private school
-schools fee

Church school

Elementary school
-6 years old

Secondary school
-at the age of 11 children transfer here

Secondary education

Middle schools
-from 11 to 14 year

High Schools
-from 12 to 15

High Schools 
-from 15 to 18

The oldest and most respected universities in the USA are all private:
Harvard, Yale University, Princeton University..

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