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Great Britain - geography

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  • The Viking Age in Britain began after Anglo - Saxons and lasted for just over 200 years.

  • The Normans built impressive castles, imposed a feudal system and carried out a census of the country.


  • The Tudors were a Welsh-English family that ruled England from 15th to 17th century. They came to power as a result of the victory of Henry VII over Yorkist king Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. The Tudor dynasty ended when Henry's grand-daughter Elizabeth I died childless. The Throne passed to their cousins, the Scottish Stuarts.

  • Henry VIII is one of the most famous kings in English history. He was the second Tudor monarch and was well-known for having six wives. His break with the papacy in Rome established the Church of England and began the Reformation.

    • I can name some of his wives who were the most famous: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves.


  • The Stuart (Stewart) dynasty ruled in 1603 – 1714 after the Tudors to the 18th centrury.

  • In 1707, England and Scotland officially became one country - Great Britain

  • In 1666 Great Fire of London raged from 2 - 5 September destroying two-thirds of the city.

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