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Money and finance

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Money and finance

Personal finance

  • We can pay by debet card, credit card, cheque or cash

  • If buy somethig we usually recieve a receipt

    • If we pay by debet card, we draw money from our account

      • We spend on your money

    • If we pay by cheque, we write amount on special paper and give it for example receptionist in a hotel, if we pay our bill.

    • If we pay by cash we take money from our wallet

      • We have got notes and coins in the wallet

    • We can also pay by paypal

      • It is a global e-commerce business which allows you to pay your payments through the internet

  • The money that we pay for services (for example to a lawer) is usually called a fee or fees (poplatky)

  • The money that we pay for a journey is a fare (jízdné)


  • It’s account which is in the bank

  • We can withdraw your money when you need

  • We can withdraw it in the cash machine

  • The bank sends us a regular bank statement (bankovní výpis) telling you how much money is in our account


  • You save your money on this account

  • You save it for some time time – for example for 10 years

  • And you can withdraw your money when 10 years expires

  • And you withdraw more money than you save because we also recieve some interest


  • It’s money which you borrow from the bank

  • It’s good if you need buy something expensive but you don’t have enough money

  • If you borrow money from bank you have to pay interests

    • Interests are money which you pay extra

    • So you pay more than you borrowed


  • It’s money which you borrow from the bank

  • You borrow it only on buy or repair house or flat

  • You have to pay back money which you borrowed plus inerests


  • You can withdraw your money from a cash machine

  • You need your card to withdrow money

  • You can also deposit your money in a bank

Public finance

  • The government collects money from citizens through taxes (prostřednictvím daní)

    • Income tax (daň z příjmu) is the tax collected on wages and sallaries

    • Inheritance tax (dědická daň) is collected on what people inherit from others.

    • VAT or value added tax is a tax paid on most goods and services

Témata, do kterých materiál patří