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Multiculturalism – Random intro questions

1 What do tourists get to know about Czech culture and Czech people?

2 If you could spend a year abroad, where would you choose to be?

3 When you are learning a foreign language, is it useful to learn something about the culture of that language too?

4 If you worked abroad for a year, what problems do yout think you would experience there?

5 What do students get from taking part in an exchange (Avallon, Münster)?

6 What types of information do the different media (TV, books, internet, adverts) give us about other cultures?

7 What are the differences between the experiences of a tourist and the experiences of someone who works abroad (is not just on holiday)?

8 Do you think that our experiences of foreign cultures are mostly positive, or mostly negative?

9 Do you think Czech Republic is a multicultural country? Why or why not?

10 What are your experiences with minorities in Czech Republic? Are all the minorities treated equally?

11 In what way do the minorities in Czech Republic contribute to cultural life? Is there anything we can learn from them?

12 What positives and negatives aspect does immigration carry?

13 What types of problems are minorities and immigrants confronted with?

14 Are there any typical “Czech” habits or customs that where adopted from different cultures?

15 On the basis of what do we judge other people? What are the most visible features and what are the invisible ones?

(Questions 9-15 added by Jan Fer)

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