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My favorite artist - Alfons Mucha

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My favourite artist

Alfons Mucha (1860-1939)

-graphic designer 
-creator of applied art
-a poster of Art Nouveau (secese)
-painter of posters
-own style
-one of the founders of the Parisian Art Noveau
-he made calendar, banknotes, stamps, vignettes
-he proposed a national emblem 
-he proposed furniture, dishes, cutlery, jewelry.. (nábytek, nádobí, příbory, šperky..)
-decorated font
-ornamental decoration
-design of a cup of waffles 
-stained glass design of the Cathedral of St.Vitus 
-jewelery design

Slavic epic
-20 large format historic canvas from the history of Bohemia and Slavic nations
-painted it 18 year in Zbiroh castle
-after finishing he gave her to Prague

Posters for Sarah Bernardt
-narrow elongated format
-woman figure

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Princess Hyacint
Jaroslava, Daughter

Theater posters:
La Primavere
La Plume
Flower girl

Témata, do kterých materiál patří