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20. Entertainment possibilities in the Czech Republic

  • Going to the cinema

  • Going to the theatre

  • Music and concerts

  • Festivals

  • Galleries

We can do many entertainment possibilities in the Czech Republic. I would like to mention more traditional and for me personally more quality possibilities, such as theatres and music. I don’t say that I don’t like to visit sometimes a cinema, but I hope that theatre, give us more.

There a wide variety of theatres in the Czech Republic.

  • Black-light theatre is based on optical illusion. There are objects and props controlled by actors dressed in black. The most known black-light theatre is La Fantastika in Prague

  • Drama is the most widespread theatrical form in the Czech Republic (more than 50% of all performances). I must mention here National Theatre in Prague.

  • Puppet theatre is mostly favourite among children. The most famous Czech puppet theatre is Spejbl and Hurvínek. It has a big success in foreign countries as well.

From music I would like to mention:

  • Opera, what we can see in National Theatres in Prague and in Brno as well or in State Opera in Prague. World-renowned singers are Magdalena Kožená, Dagmar Pecková or Eva Urbanová. World-known Czech opera’s are from known Czech composer Bedrich Smetana. The best known are probably Bartered Bride (Prodaná nevěsta) and Libuše. Another well-known opera is Rusalka by Antonin Dvorak.

  • Nowadays we can see a big boom of musicals. We can watch here world famous musicals translated in Czech (Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Miserables) or original Czech musicals (Dracula, Krysař= ratcatcher).

I would like to mention an international festival of classic music Prague-spring. Firs festival was in 1946. The traditional venue is in Rudolfinum concert hall. It begin at anniversaries of death Bedřich Smetana with a composition Má vlast.

Finally, let me tell you a few words about art gallery, which are mostly located in Prague. It is for example Schwarzenberg Palace (Schwarzenberský palác)or Sternberg Palace (Šternberský Palác).

I really enjoy visiting theatres or museums. It is a tradition with my grand-mother, who likes it as much as me. We usually go to Firemen theatre to watch some comedy.

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