Technology - Internet and Internet Voice Access
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15. Internet and Internet Voice Access
In the time of so huge development of the Internet, as is indisputably today, no successful company could imagine its activity without using this global computer network – the Internet. No matter if it is only a company presentation in the form of own web sites, links to these sites from different Internet search servers, or registration of the company in one of a lot of virtual e-shops, enabling direct connection of offer and demand, including the possibility to order or purchase at the sites of these e-shops.
Thanks to its speed and global reach the Internet is becoming more and more frequently used mean for reception of information and communications.
CIT, spol. s.r.o., won a prestigious prize, the Crystal disc at the recent trade fair Invex for its product which provides interconnection with the Internet.
The product mentioned above is PBX Office voice wave NT. It connects several applications of the CTI standard (Computer Telephony Integrated), which means interconnection between PC and a telephone set. It consists of totally six modules – Voice Mail, FaxServer, Tariffication, Monitoring, Information Centre and Automatic Operator. CIT Company, naturally, also realises the growing interest in the Internet, and therefore all the mentioned modules are interconnected with the Internet. In case of Voice Mail module the interconnection is rather clear. The Voice Mail voice wave NT sends e-mail in case of received message, which announces the voice message in the mailbox. A sample of the message is also a part of the e-mail. These announcing e-mails can be sent both in the frame of the given company, or via the Internet to whatever set e-mail address. The Fax Server module enables mass sending of faxes. These faxes can be sent to classical fax numbers, but also to e-mail addresses. The Tariffication and Monitoring modules enable sending of individual notes and information messages not just in the frame of the given company, but as well as e-mails and faxes via the Internet. The Information Centre can be directly connected to web sites of a company. In case of whatever changes in www sites, automatic change of information provided by voice and fax appear immediately.
PBX Office voice wave NT product is based on the principle of all messages (voice, fax, tariffication, etc.) sending into a unified user environment, to other e-mail messages and can be read in the following ways:
Besides the classical possibility of access to messages via computer, the voice wave NT applications also enable the user to call his mailbox and let all messages be read to him across the telephone. The e-mails’ reading is performed by synthetic voice similar to natural voice. Thanks to use of own technologies, developed in co-operation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, universities and other scientific institutions, the system is able to, including diacritics, reproduce any Czech text (but also English, German, etc.). Last but not least is the opportunity of remote access via the Internet. User acquires a possibility to access his/her messages from whatever computer in the world, connected to the Internet.