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Ostrava is the third biggest city in the Czech Republic.

The area is about 214 sq kilometers and its population is about 320 000 inhabitans.

The town is divided into 23 parts.

and the administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Moravian – Silesian Region.

It is located at the confluence of the Ostravice, Oder, Lučina and Opava rivers.

History and present

Ostrava was founded in the 13th. In the 18th century deposits of coal were found and Ostrava started to develop.

The town began to grow in the 18th century when large deposits of coal was discovered. Ostrava became the centre of heavy industry of the Czech Republic. It was nicknamed „steel heart“ of our country.

Today´s Ostrava is famous not only as a centre of engineering, chemical and food industry, but also as an attractive sports, cultural, business and tourist destination.

Education, sport and culture

Ostrava is important educational centre with many elementary and secondary schools. There are two universities – the Technical University and Ostravian University.

Sport life in Ostrava is varied. We have many sport centres, fitness centress and playgrounds. The biggest sport centre is ČEZ Aréna with ice rink od Vítkovice team. There take place concerts, performences and of course hockey matches. There is company named SAREZA, they have winter stadium, golf park and swimming pool Vřesina.

Free time in Ostrava you can spend by visiting theaters, cinemas and exhibitions. We can also go in the shopping centres Karolina, Futurum or Shopping park – there is many shops and restaurants. In Ostrava is beautiful ZOO, where we can see elephants, monkeys or giraffes.

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