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Orders are formal letters sent by customers to the seller as a response to an offer on the buyer’s own initiative. Many companies use special order form which have a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence which refers to the order.

A trial order(objednávka na zkoušku) is an order for a small quantity for testing purposes.

VAT – value added tax (DPH)

Every order should include:

  • the name and the catalogue number of the item

  • quantity desired

  • unit per price and discounts

  • delivery date

  • method of payment

  • method of shipment - doprava

  • delivery address

  • authorized signature

Even if the order is telephoned, it must be confirmed in writing, and an order form should be accompanied by a covering letter.(doprovodný dopis). (I když zatelefonujete nebo pošlete formulář, oni Vám to musí potvrdit dopisem-krátký obchodní dopis)

If the buyer does not agree on the prices or terms proposed by the seller, he may make a counter-offer (protinabídka).(Někdy se stane, že nám zboží nemohou doručit, tak nám nabídnou něco jiného).

Order cancellation (storno objednávky)

The buyer has the possibility of cancelling their order at any time before is has been accepted by the seller. Whatever the reason is, use polite language: the words reject and refuse have a negative connotation, it is better to use decline or turn down.

Useful phrases:

  • We thank you for your quotation of ... and shall be glad if you supply...
    (Děkujeme Vám za Vaší nabídku a budeme rádi, když doručíte)

  • Please find enclosed our official order...
    (Přikládáme naši oficiální objednávku)

  • Your letter of 12 October convinced me to place at least a trial order for the...
    (Váš dopis ze dne 12.října mě přesvědčil, abych uděll zkušební objednávku)

  • We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit which we have already applied to the bank for.
    (Rádi bychom potvrdili, že platba musí být provedena neodvolatelným akreditivem o který jsme v bance zažádali.)

  • We would like to thank you for the 30% trade discount and 10% quantity discount you allowed us.
    (Rádi bychom Vám poděkovali za 30% obchodní slevu a 10% slevu z množstevní slevy, kterou jste nám umožnili)

Témata, do kterých materiál patří