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- crime is an illegal act, which has been a growing problem all over the world

- punishment is the act of punishing someone


lack of money, unemployment, drugs and alcohol, economic crisis, mental issues, gambling, revenge

envy, problems at school, work, bad political system, family problems, "bad" friends

- why are more young people getting involved in crime nowadays?

influence of "bad" friends

need for money (drugs, alcohol)

they want to be heroes in their friends' eyes



murder - killing someone intentionally

rape - forcing a woman to have sex

burglary - breaking into a house and stealing things

manslaughter - killing someone by accident

blackmail - threatening to make a dark secret public in order to get money

mugging - attacking someone to steal their money

assault - physical attack on another person

shoplifting - stealing things in the shop

drunk driving - driving a car when you have drunk alcohol

kidnapping - stealing a person and asking a ransom for their return

perjury - lying to a court

robbery - stealing money or valuable from a person or place

terrorism - using violence for political ends

drug - trafficking - buying and selling drugs

forgery - to try to pass off a copy as the real thing

pick pocketing - stealing from someone’s pocket or handbag


They do a number of thinks.

When someone commits a crime (= breaks the law and does something illegal/against the law/wrong), the police do a number of things. They investigate the crime. (= try to find out what happened and who is responsible).

If they catch the person they believe is responsible for the crime, they will arrest them.

At the police station, they question them.

If they are sure that the person committed the crime, the person is charged with the crime. (= the police make an official statement that they believe the person committed the crime) For a serious crime, the person must then go to court for trial.

- stopping people for breaking the speed limit

- giving people directions

- directing traffic (when traffic lights are not working)

- arresting and questioning people suspected of committing a crime

- controlling crowds at football matches

- patrolling the streets to prevent crime

- taking statements from witnesses to a crime

- giving evidence in court

- helping to find missing persons

- helping a lost child to find his parents

- reassuring and comforting victims of a crime

- making sure road users obey the highway code



Immediately pull the nearest fire alarm pull station as you exit the building.

When evacuating the building, be sure to feel doors for heat before opening them to be sure there is no fire danger on the other side.

If there is smoke in the air, stay low to the ground, especially your head, to reduce inhalation exposure. Keep on hand on the wall to prevent disorientation and crawl to the nearest exit.

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