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FAST FASHION - povídání

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What is fast fashion?

  • Fast fashion is big problem, which is discussed these days, because of the misserable quality and cheap working force. It is all about products, which are immediately worn out, damaged, after all, with really bad quality. Clothes are made in poor countries in manufactories and people are usually badly paid for their work, even if they work many hours a day in long shifts. Other problem is that clothes are sold for multiple prizes than is even worth.

Difference between fast fashion and slow fashion:

  • Fast fashion is made in order to be quickly and cheaply done, so many people are working to produce as many clothes as possible. But this process of making fast fashion clothes is very unfriendly for nature because ecology is not supervised, the most important thing is the making and final commercial prize. At the end, most of the clothing ends in a waste because of the poor quality.

  • On the other hand, slow fashion is made with a goal to be ecologically safe and to be well made. So, in slow fashion they use biologic product, as cotton or ecological dyes. They even pay attention to animal rights. One of the most important sustainability is, that in SF people take care in order to safe water.

Working in fast fashion and in slow fashion:

  • In fast fashion are working thousands of people, especially in poor countries. The process last for a very short period of time. The biggest problem is that in fast fashion are working children too, because they want to, and they need to make even if some money for their poor families.

  • In slow fashion are working just a few people, the making process lasts for hours, days, someday even weeks! People are well paid for their job and the final piece of cloth is in adequately good quality.

Problems with chemicals:

  • Unfortunately, chemicals are very often used in clothes we normally buy. So, for example fibres, bleach, these substances are in our clothes, and it can cause some health problems. Because toxins can penetrate to our skin and cause rash or even some worse health problems. In the picture you can see few examples of adding harmful substances to our clothes….(now I can read some information from the picture in the presentation)

What can we do to help slow fashion and to protect our environment?

  • 1) BUY LESS – Than means to be sober about buying new things all the time. Maybe you will soon realize that you do not need to much clothing in your closet , you just need a few quality things and that’s all you need to have.

  • 2) SUPPORT SUSTAINIBLE BRANDS – Try not to buy fast fashion clothes and try to find a slow fashion brand, which will go down well for you.


  • 4) DON’T THROW AWAY YOR OLD CLOTHES – You can donate your old clothes to people, who need them, to the children’s home or to the shelter. Or maybe just you can try to repair your old, damaged clothes, maybe it can be helpful, and you can save a piece of your favourite clothing.

  • And you can also shop in second-hand and wear already worn clothes.

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