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What do you think is the difference between

public and private services?

In my opinion / I think public services are provided

by the government on a non-profit basis. They

are not commercial services. Theseservices differ

from other services in that (public) authorities have

a responsibility to ensure them for everyone because

they cover everything from environmental protection,

social services, healthcare... to education. Usually...

public services, especially for medical treatment /

education... are cheaper / more widely available.

Sometimes... private services are more expensive /

more efficient / better quality.


How do you benefit from public services?

I am sure (that) we all benefit from public services.

I regularly... use / benefit from public transport,

education, water and energy supply, rubbish

removal / waste disposal, broadcasting and

communication services. I rarely / hardly ever use

medical services but my grandmother / aunt has

been using medical services quite a lot recently.

Other services which I need but which I don’t often

use are police and fire services.


What private services do you use?

I go shopping almost every day, especially to buy

food. I use the internet a lot, not just for school stuff.

I go to a language school twice a week. Quite often,

I use the services in restaurants / pubs... , customer

services at shops and banks. I have dental check-ups

twice a year at a private dentist. An essential private

service for my sister is the hairdresser’s / hair and

nail salon, and she goes to a fitness centre / gym

regularly, too.


Why do you use the bank?

I don’t go to the bank much. I usually go to an ATM /

cash machine / cash point. Most often I do my banking

online, via the internet / computer. I can transfer

money / pay bills / check my account. When I go to

the bank it would be to open an account / deposit

money / close an account. When I’m older I might go

to the bank to get a loan / mortgage... or apply for

a credit card.


Why do you use the post office?

I use the post office to post letters and packages

(parcels) / buy stamps... , collect packages / registered

post and pay bills, for example, telephone / electricity.

I can also use the post office to send money to

friends. My grandparents, disabled / unemployed

people... use the post office to collect their pension /

allowance. I can also post a letter / postcard by placing

it in a letterbox / post box. Letters are / the post is /

the mail is delivered to our homes by a postman /

mailman / mail carrier.


What forms of communication do you use and


Mostly, I send text messages (from / via my mobile

phone)... I write messages on my friends’ Facebook

walls... I use ICQ... These are the fastest / most efficient

forms of communication. Sometimes I send emails

/ write comments on their blogs when there’s

something interesting to say... I call / telephone...

my friends, usually in an emergency / if I need

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