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Sports, Games

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Sports are run by a large number of sports organisations that hold matches, inter-city competitions, and friendly meetings of sportsmen.

During physical education classes, children practice not only athletics but also various types of ball games, gymnastics, swimming and skiing. Physical education is compulsory subject at elementary and secondary schools.

The most talented sportsmen can even take part in the Olympic games. We distinguish Summer and Winter Olympic games. They take place every four years. The first games were held in 776 BC. They were based on the custom of the ancient Greeks.

The Olympic Games are an international competition and are a great event in the world of sports. As reward for victory a sportsman may obtain a title, a bronze, silver, or gold medal, or other prizes as well.

It is not so important to cultivate sport competitively, as to do so recreationally. It gives us a break from our daily cares and helps to fortify our health. Activity, nature, and the fresh air positively affect our bad lifestyle.

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