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The Czech Republic

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The Czech Republic

1) Where is the Czech Republic situated?

The Czech Republic is situated in Central Europe.
It is called the heart of Europe.
It is an inland country,it has no sea.

2) How large is its area and population?

It covers an area of nearly 79 thousand square kilometres 
and has a population of 10.3 milion.

3) Which are the neighbouring states?

Czech Republic has four neighbour states:
-in the North it is Poland
-in the South it is Austria
-in the East  it is Slovakia 
-in the West it is Germany
The country have three main regions:

4) What are the beginnings of the Czech history? 

The first Slavonic tribes caime in 5th century AD and created Sámo's empire.
(První slovanské kmeny přišly v 5. století n.l. a vytvořily Sámovu říši)
In the 9th century The Great Moravian Empire was formed.
(V 9. století vznikla Velkomoravská říše)

5) Who was the most important king in the Czech history?

The most important king in the Czech history is Charles IV.

6) When was the independent Czech Republic first proclaimed? 

At the end of the World War I. the Austro-Hungarian Empire split and in October 1918 the 
independent Czechoslovak Republic was proclaimed with T. G. Masaryk as a first president.

7) What happened in November 1989?

In November 1989 was  the Velvet revolution. (sametová revoluce)

8) What is the geography of the Czech Republic like (mountains,rivers) ?

The Czech Republic doesn't have any seacoast, but it has many rivers.
The largest river is the Elbe (Labe) 
The second largest is the Vltava
Many dams built on it (Lipno, Orlík, Slapy) (Na něm bylo postaveno mnoho přehrad)
South Bohemia is known for its large and numerous ponds with freshwater fish.
(Jižní Čechy jsou známé svými velkými a četnými rybníky se sladkovodními rybami)

The terrain of our country is rather hilly.
The Krušné Mountains and Šumava form create western border.
(Krušné hory a Šumava tvoří západní hranici)
Šumava is on the south-west (jihozápadní)
Krkonoše Mountains are on the north (sever)
The Jizerské and Orlické Mountains lie on the boder with Poland.
The highest Czech mountain is Sněžka (1602 metres high)

9) Which are the main industries of the Czech economy?

The Czech Republic is traditionally and industrial country. (průmyslová)
The main industrial areas are located in northern part of the country. (severní část země)
Czech beer and wine have a long tradition and popularity both at home and abroad. (zahraničí)
Czech people grow sugar beet, sweet corn, fruit and vegetables, potatoes and grain. (obilí)

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