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USA - New York

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New York City is the most populous city of the USA and one of the largest cities in the world with about 8 million people. New York is situated on the eastern coast of the USA. It is an important seaport, business and culture centre. There are four airports and it has the largest subway system in the world. It is sometimes called “The Big Apple” (nobody can explain the origin of the nickname), or “the Melting Pot” because it is cosmopolitan city, or “the City, which never sleeps”, or “Capital of the world”. There are more than 80 languages spoken in NY. New York used to be a city of immigrants.


The original inhibitans were Indians. The island was bought from the Indians by the Dutch and named New Amsterdam.There used to be a wall against the Indians protecting the southern part of Manhattan, now replaced by Wall Street.


The quickest and the cheapest form of transport is subway. New York has the largest subway system in the world. There are four airports (JF Kennedy). In this city we can see also taxis called yellow cabs.

The city is made up of 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, The Bronx

Manhattan was built on a modern plan of streets and avenues which are numbered. Streets run from east to west and avenues from north to south. Only the oldest streets have their names – such as Wall street or Broadway. Broadway is the centre of cultural life with many theatres. Manhattan the most famous avenue is the 5th Avenue which is the most popular shopping street in the world where we can find the biggest department store Macy´s.

The Empire State Building used to be the highest building until the World Trade Center was finished. But it was destroyed after the terrorist attack on 11th September 2001. The only quiet place is Central Park where also famous rock concerts take place.

In the New York City´s habour is standing the Statue of Liberty. It is a symbol of freedom and democracy

Queens is the largest borough, (JF Kennedy International Airport)

Brooklyn is the most popular borough, there is famous beach called Coney Island

Staten Island: There are family houses

The Bronx: There are Afro-American communities.

The most popular destinations are the Empire State Building, Broadway theaters, Central Park, Washington Square Park, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, luxury shopping on 5th.

MEDIA: New York is the world capital of television, advertising, music, newspaper and book publishers. They publish newspapers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News and The New York Post.

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