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3. London

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  • London is the capital city of the UK and England

  • it is located in the south-east of England on the river Thames

  • it is a seat of the Monarch, the Parliament, the Government, banks and other international organizations


  • THE CITY OF LONDON – is the oldest part and it‘s a business, financial and economical centre

  • THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER – is political and administrative life centre

  • WEST END – is the shopping and entertainment centre

  • EAST END – used to by poor but now it is rapidly developing area


  • the city was probably founded 2000 years ago when the Romans built their town here and called it Londinium

  • the city survived plague in 1665 when Black Death killed almost 100 000 people

  • in 1666 the Great Fire of London burned down most of the city

    • later an architect CHRISTOPHER WREN rebuilt the town

  • during the World War II London was heavily damaged by the Germans bombing


  • London was the first city in the world to have an underground railway systém called the Tube

  • London is also famous for its red double-decker buses and black taxis

  • there are 6 airports → the biggest on is the Heathrow and others are f.ex. Stansted or Gatwick


  • THE TOWER OF LONDON – the Crown Jewels are kept here

  • THE TOWER BRIDGE – it’s a bridge which opens in the middle and let large ships go through

  • HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT – are the residence of members of Parliament

    • there is also famous clock-tower called Elizabeth Tower with the Big Ben bell

  • THE LONDON EYE – is a giant Ferris wheel

  • BUCKINGHAM PALACE – is the residence of the Queen and her family

  • TRAFALGAR SQUARE – is named after admiral Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar → his statue is here

  • MADAME TUSSAUND’S WAX MUSEUM – is the museum of wax figures of famous people and celebrities

  • DOWNING STREET 10 – is an official seat of British Prime Ministers

  • PICCADILLY CIRCUS – is a round square with cinemas, theatres, restaurants, pubs and so on

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