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It is a desert valley in Eastern California. It is the lowest, driest, hottest area in North America. Valley lies on the edge of Mohave desert.


The most spectacular sight in Arizona, a symbol of the Wild West. This bright red canyon about 1,500m deep was carved by the Colorado River. You can follow different trails that offer breathtaking views.


… is the oldest NP in the USA. It is known for beautiful wildlife, waterfalls, hot springs, mountain lakes, canyons, geysers. The Old Faithful geyser is the biggest tourist attraction. It gushes almost every hour. Hundreds of species have been found there including several that are endangered or threatened. Grizzly bears, wolves, free-ranging herds of bison live here.


… is the collective name for three waterfalls on the Niagara River. The river flows out of lake Eire into Ontario lake. The waterfalls reach more than 50 meters. They are situated between the twin city Niagara Falls. One part of the city is in USA, the other is in Canada.


… also known as the Mother Road, was one of the original highways. The road covers almost 4000km. It was replaced with interstate system of highways.


… is sculpture carved into granite mountain in South Dakota. It features sculptures of the following US presidents – G. Washington, T. Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, A. Lincoln. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Not far away from the Mount Rushmore stands another sculpture – sculpture of Native American chief Crazy Horse. He was one of the Indians who led their tribes to war with white men.


Built on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, this city is known for its foggy days. On a clear day you can see Golden Gate Bridge – a suspension bridge that marks the beginning of San Francisco Bay. It was built in 1937 and was the largest suspension bridge in the US. In San Francisco Bay, you can take a ferry ride to visit Alcatraz Island. Originally a lighthouse, then a military fort, but it’s most best-known for being a prison. No prisoners have been imprisoned since 1969, and now the island is a National Historic Monument where visitors can see the old prison, military ruins and the lighthouse


The weather here is really rainy (that’s why they call it Rain City) and some call it even Jet City, because of the Boeing company. The city has many nicknames and is called emerald city too - because of its evergreen forests. It is known also as the Gateway to Alaska for being the nearest major city.


…is the city where was Martin Luther King assassinated, and also Elvis Presley (King of rock’n’roll) was found dead in the bathroom.


If you travel across the country to the west coast, you’ll find Los Angeles, California. Many people are familiar with it mainly because of Hollywood, but there are lots of other interesting things to see. Los Angeles is ethnically diverse, with many residents moving to the city from Latin America and Asia.

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