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the USA

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  • The USA is composed of 50 states and one federal district.

  • The capital city of the US is Washington, D. C. (District of Columbia).

  • 48 states of the USA are situated in the northern part of the American continent.

  • Alaska, the 49th state, occupies the north-western end of North America.

  • Hawaii, the 50th state, is situated in the Pacific Ocean.

  • The USA is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west.

  • The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.

  • The US´s best-known mountains are the Rocky Mountains.

  • The highest mountains are in Alaska, where is the highest mountain in the U.S., Mount McKinley (6, 194 m).

  • The USA has many rivers, e. g. the Mississippi (the longest river), the Missouri, the Rio Grande, the Yukon (the longest river in Alaska, 3000 m).

  • There are many lakes in the USA. The largest of them are the Great Lakes

  • There are various variations of climate in the USA. For instance, Hawaii lies in the tropical zone and Alaska lies in the arctic zone.


  • the continent was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1498.

  • Name of America came from Amerigo Vespucci

  • The USA was officialy founded on the July 4th, 1776, as a result of the War of independence.

  • In 1789 George Washington became the first President of the US

  • The biggest and the bloodiest war America fought was the Civil War (1861 – 1865), the turning point in the war was the Abolition of slavery (zrušení otcovství)

The flag and the anthem

  • The U. S. national flag is known as the “Stars and Stripes”.

  • It has 13 white and red stripes in memory of the 13 original states.

  • 50 white stars in a blue field represent the 50 states of the union.

  • The national anthem is called “The Star-Spangled Banner”.


  • There live over 330 million people in the USA.

  • the first inhabitants were Native Americans

  • Also known as “the melting pot of nations” because there is almost every nation.

  • Most immigrants are from Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, India, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Vietnam, Jamaica, South Korea, and Guatemala.

Political system

  • the USA is a representational federal republic

  • Joe Biden is the current President of the U.S.A.

  • The law-making body is congres, which is made up of 2 parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

  • 2 political parties: the democrats and the republicants

  • The currency in the USA is the dollar ($), divided into 100 cents (¢).

Cultural life

  • American culture has given many outstanding (vynikající) writers, filmmakers, and musicians to the world.

  • The country has developed several distinctive (charakteristický) types of popular music: jazz, blues, country and western, rock and roll.

Famous places

  • Yellowstone National Park- oldest national park, they are many of hot geysers.

  • Yosemite National Park- in Sierra Nevada in California, beautiful nature

  • The Death Valley- in eastern California, the lowest place in the USA

  • Grand Canyon – created by the Colorado River, in Arizona

  • Niagara Falls- between the USA and Canada, about 50 meters high

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