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Job also called occupation is a person’s role in society. More specifically, a job is an activity often performed in Exchange for payment. A person can start working by becoming an employee, volunteering or starting a business. Some people consider being parent a job. The duration of job ranges from temporary (few hours or years) to a lifetime (judge). Most workers spend up to forty or more hours each week in paid employment.

Jobs can be divided into many groups. First one consists of full-time job and part-time job. Full time job is employment in which person works for a minimum number of hours defined by the employer. It comes with benefits such as health insurance or sick leave. Working hours vary between companies and are often based on shift. Shift is usually 8 hours long. Employee must work the shift every working day. A part-time contract is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. They work also in shifts. The shifts are often rotational. Workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work less than 30 hours per week. This kind of job is suitable for students. Some people work nine-to-five. It means that the working day starts and finishes at the same time every day.
We can also divide jobs into permanent, temporary and odd jobs. Permanent positions have not predetermined end date. Temporary work refers to situation where the working arrangement is limited to a certain period of time based on the needs of the employing organization. Odd-jobs are done by handymen. This person completes tasks including trade skills, repair work (plumber).
Employment contracts can be divided into jobs for fixed period and indefinite period. In the first case you know the length of working time and the second one is opened.
Another dividing is into white-collar works and blue-collar works (labours). White-collar workers work in office. Usually they must have at least graduation exam. If you want better paid and more interesting job, you need to complete the further education. In this case you must study at the university. Because it requires more knowledge we call it profession. Blue-collar workers are working physically and usually are less paid. They are called like that because of typical blue work trousers. Here we can find factory or construction workers for example.
Also, it is possible to work freelance or under the boss. If you work freelance you can start your working day whenever you want. Working under employer contains of certain rules you need to follow. But usually your work is stable.

Jobs can be organized also by branches. Economics jobs such as economist, manager and banker require knowledge of economy. Humanistic jobs are focused mostly on working with humans. Here we can find for example lawyers, teachers, psychologists, philosophers. Technical jobs such as mechanic, engineer, architect forms the link between scientific discoveries and their use. If you want to become doctor or veterinarian, you must study at the university many years. It is because these professions require deep knowledge. If you are not educated enough you could endanger others. Than there are special kinds of jobs in which people use their talent and imagination. We can mention for example painters, sculptors, actors, writers, journalists. People who do these jobs work often freelance.

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