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Transport in my town

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Transport in my town

I live in Brno. There is many possibilities how to get across the city.


This is public transport in Brno which is the kind of transport used especially by students and commuters. Going to work or school by car is slower because of traffic jams, roadworks and other obstacles. Buses, trolleybuses or trams - 3 means of transport that exist in Brno - manage moving through heavy traffic much faster than cars thanks to special lanes. Another advantage is that during rush hours you usually don´t have to wait for your transit longer than 5 minutes.

And that´s not all. The public transport in Brno can be really cheap if you don´t buy single tickets but subscribe for “šalinkarta” – a tram card that can be used in all means of public transport including train and is valid from one month to one year. It´s advantageous especially for regular travellers.

On the other hand, going by public transport isn´t as comfortable as by car, because during rush hours many people use it and it isn´t very pleasant when you have to travel with so many people around you and your environment space is only 1 cm2. But when you travel at noon or in the evening, in most cases you can even choose a seat you want.


Nowadays bikes in Brno are very popular, because there are more and more cycle lanes and more and more people who want to be fit. Haven ´t you got your own bike? Never mind. You can subscribe for a Rekola bike and then you can go everywhere, at the end of your journey you only have to lock it.


I think that cars are still used by lots of people although that´s the most expensive kind of transport. Travelling by car is comfortable, you don´t have to follow any timetable and you can always pull over to the side when you want to stop. But roads are often full of cars especially in such a big city.

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