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4. Key moments in british history

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4. Key Moments in British History

Profile: The Tudors, The Civil War

State: The Early Settlements, The Middle Ages (to 1485)

The early history

  • the first people to inhabit the British Isles were settlers from Europe

  • they arrived between 3,500 and 3,000 B.C and introduced farming, potery and stone tools

  • they lived in the south of England Stonehenge was built by these early inhabitants


  • the largest prehistoric monument, a huge circle of standing stones on Salisbury Plain

  • visitors from all over the world come here and wonder at how these huge stones were transported and erected over 3000 years ago


  • as the first inhabitants are considered the Celts who invaded British Isles between the 6th and the 3rd century BC

  • setlled in southern England

  • they originaly came from Europe

  • between 500 and 250 BC they were the most powerful people north of the Alps

  • were pagans, but later converted to christianity and spread the chrisitianity across British Isles

  • were good artists (sophisticated disign)


  • in AD 43 Romans invaded the southern Britain which became Roamn colony called Britannia

  • they went from Italy and pushed the Celts to the north

  • Roomans set up the capital in London and built cities such as Chester or York

  • they built infrastructure such as roads, sawage, canals, public baths

  • the Celtic tribes in Scotland never surrended to the Romans

  • in AD 122 Roman emperor Hadrian built Hadrian Wall on the border with Scotland

  • Romans started to leave Britain in AD 340 to fight on the continent

  • the first roman invasion was led by Julius Caesar in 55 B.C., but Britain wasn´t conquered

  • later was conquered under Emperor Claudius n 43 A.D.

  • he pushed (vytlačit) a lot of Celts who lived there to the north and west, Celts didn´t like it and that´s why attacked the Romans many times

  • Roman Emperor Hadrian wanted to stop them> built a long wall to defend (chránit) the border between England and Scotland

  • Roman occupation of Britain lasted nearly 400 years, it´s effects were few, the people didn´t adopt Latin language


  • from 350 Gemanic tribes started invading Britain

  • the trabes came from German, Denmark, Notherlands

  • the Angels gave Englad its name

  • the native people and a few Romans lagions could not stop the new enemy, known as Anglo-saxons and fled to the north

  • Anglo-saxons were converted to christianity following the arrival of Saint Augustine of Rome in 597

  • as christianity spread monasteries were built all over England


  • in 597 St. Augustin landed in Kent and brought Christianity to England

  • he became the first Archbishop of Canterbury


  • about 790 vikings started to invade British Isles

  • they settled mainly in Ireland and Scotland

  • they were excelent traders and navigators – traded silk and furs

  • in 1066 King Harold II marched north to defeat his half-brother the King of Norway at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Few weeks later was killed at the Battle of Hastingson by other invader. Wiliam Duke of Normandy from nothern france, later known as Wiliam of Conqueror.

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