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The exact definition of interpersonal relationship is:

“Interpersonal relationships are social associations and connections between 2 or more people who may interact overtly, covertly, face to face or may remain unknown to each other.” For example in a virtual community people maintain anonymity and do not socialize outside of a chat room. The interaction that defines an interpersonal relationship can be observable and explicit such as body language or dialogue etc. The relationship can also be implicit such as standing in a queue or sitting with other people in an emergency room.

Role of the family

The family influences our life in many ways. It forms our behaviour, opinions, attitudes, our view of life. When we are small children, we want to do everything what the adults do, when we grew up, we found out, that many things which we did and do, we do in the same way like our parents did. We may ask ourselves how my mother or father would solve this or that problem if she or he were in my place. We also inherit the character of our parents. The good and also bad sides of it. We behave like them. We should realize it and work with this fact in our future life.


Dating is the activity of looking for a suitable partner for an intimate, sexual relationship. The word refers to 2 daters agreeing on a time and date when they can meet and engage in some activity. Usually a person may date many different partners during the same time period in order to have the best chance of finding their most suitable mate.

Traditional dating activities include sharing meal or entertainment (for example cinema, concert, theatre or doing some sport etc.). When the activity costs money, it has traditionally been the man's role to pay.

We know several types of dating:

  • standard date is when a single couple is dating

  • double date is when 2 couples are dating

  • group date when a group of people is dating

  • blind date is a date where neither of the participants knows about the other before the date


Marriage is an interpersonal relationship with governmental, social, or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract. The most frequently occurring form of marriage unites a man and a woman as husband and wife. Other forms of marriage also exist; for example, polygamy, in which a person takes more than one spouse, is common in many societies. Since 2001, the legal concept of marriage has been expanded to include the same-sex marriage in some jurisdictions.

The reasons people marry vary widely, but usually include one or more of the following: the public declaration of love; the formation of a family unit; legitimising of sexual relations and procreation; legal, social and economic stability; and the education and nurturing of children.

Marriage is often declared by a wedding ceremony, which may be performed either by a religious official or by a secular, state official. The act of marriage usually creates obligations between the individuals involved, and in many societies, their extended families.

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