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Internet Addiction Facts

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Internet Addiction Facts

Factors of addiction

1. immediate satisfaction

2. a quality of concentrated focus

3. an emotional attachment to the activity

4. easy availability of the substance or activity

5. anonymity, or the ability to hide the behavior from others

Symptoms of Internet Addiction

1. Using online services everyday without any skipping.

2. Losing track of time after making a connection.

3. Going out less and less.

4. Spending less and less time on meals at home or at work, and eating in front of the monitor.

5. Denying spending too much time on the Net.

6. Others complaining of your spending too much time in front of the monitor.

7. Checking on your mailbox too many times a day.

8. Thinking you have the greatest website in the world and dying to give people your URL.

9. Logging onto the Net while already busy at work.

10. Sneaking online when spouse or family members are not at home, with a sense of relief.

Possible reasons for this addiction

1. lack of other interests or social isolation

2. pre-existing addiction can easily transfer to the internet

3. social anxiety or nervousness can make online interactions a very attractive alternative to face-to-face contact

4. low self esteem, poor body image, etc.

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