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1 Complete the dialogue with these words. There are two extra words.

already • ever • for • just
never • since • yet

A: Have you finished your homework (1)………yet………… ?

B: Yes. I’ve (2) ……just……… finished it.

A: Then let’s go! The others are (3) ………already… at the water park.

B: OK. I can’t wait to go. I’ve (4) ……never………… been there before.

A: And I haven’t been there (5) ………for……… a long time. It’s going to be great!

/ 5

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

(1) Have you seen/Did you see The Martian yet?
I (2) saw/have seen it last night and it was really

good. The special effects were amazing.

Sometimes I (3) felt/have felt like I was in the film!
I (4) haven’t read/didn’t read the book so I can’t

compare it to the film, but I (5) have liked/liked the

film a lot. I’d recommend it to anyone!

/ 5

3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of these verbs. There are two extra verbs.

be • do • have • hear • hurt • know • read

1 I ……have been……… to the doctor’s three times this week.

2 Jon can’t play tennis with us today. He ……has hurt……… his wrist.

3 My dad ……has had……… his old car for over ten years!

4 How long ………have……… you ……known………… Emma?

5 ……Have……… you ……read……… this article on diets in the magazine? It’s really interesting.

/ 5

4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I’ve just (1) ………arrived……… to the United States. We
(2) ………went………… to San Francisco and we had a brilliant time there. There were a (3) ………lot……… of really iconic places to see like the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz island. It’s a city (4) ………that………… has got something for everyone – popular culture, nature, art and (5) …………many……… great places to eat delicious Californian food. Did you know there are more restaurants in San Francisco than in any other city in the USA?!

/ 5 / 20


5 Complete the sentences with words for parts of the body.

1 The girl picked up the ring and put it on her …… …ring finger……………… .

2 The dentist took out one of my ………teeth…………… yesterday, but it didn’t hurt.

3 I wasn’t wearing any shoes when I dropped a heavy box on my foot and broke one of my ……toes…………… .

4 I'm wearing a scarf today because I've got a bad cold and a sore …………throat…………… .

5 Mel was lifting heavy furniture yesterday and she hurt her …………back…………… .

/ 5

6 Complete the sentences with these words. There are two extra words.

ache • aid • attack • centre • killers
poisoning • waiting

1 I need to get some painkillers……… …… for this headache.

2 You have to go to hospital if you get food ………poisoning……… very badly.

3 We were in the ………waiting………… room for an hour before the doctor saw us.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří