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USA -Washington d.c.

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Washington, D.C. is one of America´s most visited cities. Washington is the capital of the USA. The city is named after the first president George Washington. The letters D.C. means District of Columbia. Washington D.C. lies on the eastern coast of the United States of America. There is a seat of the Federal government of the US, residence of the US president and the Supreme Court. In the centre – on Capitol Hill – is the Capital seat of the Congress, the House of Representatives and Senate. Nearby is the White House, it has been the residence of all American presidents except for George Washington.

The Capitol Hill

In the centre, on Capitol Hill, there is the Capitol where Congress meets. Capitol is the highest building in Washington D.C. – there must not be build higher buildings. It is the political center of the US government, where the Senate and House of Representatives meet to make the country’s laws. It sits on the top of Capitol Hill overlooking the Mall. The Capitol has 2 wings: the Library of Congress and Folger Shakespeare Library, which has the world’s largest collection of the printed works of William Shakespeare. From the west side of the Capitol goes the Mall, which is an area with a lot of museums and parks.

The Lincoln Memorial

  • It honors America´s 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, who was president during the American Civil War, opposed slavery and was killed while watching a play.

  • It is the giat marble statue of Abraham Lincolne sitting in an armchair.

  • It is situated next to the Martin Luther King Memorial

The White House

One of the most important places is The White House - the symbol of the American presidency and the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It was built in 18th century. It has 2 floors, there are offices and official places on the first floor and private rooms on the second floor. The White House is open to the public. Unfortunately, you can’t see the Oval Office. Outside there is a green place called „the Ellipse“ – president meets there other politicians, too. It is also a location for so-called Easter Egg Rolls which is an event for kids to hunt Easter Eggs on the White House Lawn. From the White House goes a street named the Pennsylvania Avenue that is joining the White house and the Capitol.

The Washington Monument

  • Monument was built to honor the country´s first president, George Washington.

  • This 170 meters tall monument is the world´s tallest stone structure.

The Jefferson Memorial

  • Memorial is dedicated to the third president, Thomas Jefferson, who is known for his contributions to the Declaration of Independence

  • The memorial is situated by the Potomas river


  • Pentagon is a five sided building with five rings of office blocks.

  • Pentagon serves as a seat Ministry of Defence US.

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