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intention - záměr

extend – rozšířit

equipment – vybavení

Visitor-museologist relationships and customer care

Museologists weren´t used to having any relationship with visitors before 1989 because they didn´t need it. Museums existed as an institutions which collected, stored, saved and looked after collections but they didn´t have to communicate or look after visitors. After the Velvet Revolution things have changed and museums had to reform themselves. They have problems with it till today.

Today, museums want to attract people to visit them more. They try to do very good exhibitions, full of interesting information. But some exhibitions contain too much information which is written in such a professional way that a layman is not able to understand. When a team of museum employees creates an exhibition, they have to think of many important things: which things to choose from the collections, how to place the exhibits, which colours they should use for the background, what information and how much to prepare, how to place the texts with information and so on.

Not only a good exhibition guarantees the success of the whole project. Sometimes it depends also on a nice cloakroom attendant and custodian.

a layman – laik

an exhibit – exponát

guarantee – zaručit

cloakroom attendant – šatnář(ka)

custodian – dozorce, hlídač

Témata, do kterých materiál patří