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Healthy lifestyle and healthy diet

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15 Healthy Lifestyle and Healthy Diet

1)What are the benefits of good health

- good sleep, healthy diet, exercise, lots of drinking, low salt and sugar, healthy lifestyle, eating lots of fruitand vegetables, eating protein and vitamins

2) How do heredity, environment, medical science, money and lifestyle influence our health

- heredity - there are inherited diseases that are dangerous

- environment - we breathe smoke and dangerous gases that can cause cancer or respiratory disease, where we live,

- medical science - what doctor we have, how they treat us, what they treat us with, what drugs we take, how science is developer

- money - without money we can't buy drugs or pay for treatment and surgery,

- lifestyle - drugs, cigarettes and alcohol are dangerous for us, it's bad when we eat junk food and drink sugary drinks

3) What are the main principles for keeping healthy

- don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, eat healthy, don't eat fried and fatty food, avoid sweets, cut down on coffee, sleep well, move, be mentally well, take no unnecessary risks and get regular medical check-ups.

4) Do you read articles about health?

- I sometimes read what's right on the internet, but not much else.

5) Do you see your doctor/ dentist regularly?

- yes I visit him regularly because I think it's right.

6) What stresses you the most?

- stresses me the most school because education is very important to me

7) Do you have any unhealthy habits?

- I love sweet and I love coffee

8) Healthy/ unhealthy food / diets / vegetarians / vegan VIZ otázka 10. FOOD AND MEALS

- - Healthy – Healthy food is fresh, free of chemicals and additives, low in fat, sugar and salt, high in fibre, vitamins and minerals.

- Unhealthy – Unhealthy food is fatty, hight in fat, salty, hight in salt, hight in added sugar, low in fibre, low in vitamins. This food has preservatives and artificial colours and flavours is prepared, frozen, comes from can.

- diets- A balanced diet should be low in fat sugar, salt and high in fibre, vitamins and minerals, include all five food groups, be enough for your daily need, not be too much.

- vegetarian- They don t eat white or red meat but they still eat eggs and dairy products

- vegans – They don t eat any animals products because they think eating animals is cruel,

9) What do you personally do to protect your health/ what could you do better

- I try to have a lot of exercise, I try to eat vegetables and fruits, I go to the doctor regularly.

- I could drink more and limit sugary and coffee

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