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Profesní angličtina 1 seminární práce

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Good afternoon dear colleagues,

From 20 to 23 August 2016 will take place an international Comic Convention exhibition in Prague. Our company got permission to open a stand on the exhibition. Our department has been entrusted to take care of it. The organizers provide stands to firms. The stands will be blue and the proportions are given: 2 meters in height and 3 meters in width. I divide you into 3 teams. Details you will find in attachment.

First team: Please, print posters which we hang on our stand. We will put up the posters 1x1 meter with the logo of our company (on yellow background) on both sides of the stand. On the front side of the stand we will hang the poster with name of our company (on yellow background too). Inside of the stand, across the entire back side, make collage from the front pages of our comics. To fine-tune the look of our stand you stick over the inner walls yellow papers. Tables will be blue as the stand.

Second team: Arrange the goods, which we will sell. It means: 30 pieces of each comics which we publish. We will also offer T-shirts with the most popular heroes of our comics. In order to avoid misunderstanding the heroes are: Zerobond, Mrs. Pink and Doug the Pug. Create diaries with blue packaging on which will be our logo, name of our company and date, name and location of the exhibition. The blog will be lined.

Third team: Will ensure the space in front of stand. Dress up our company T-shirts, you will be handing out pens and water bottles with logo of our company. Your next responsibility is refreshment for our team. In stand will be a small fridge.

The exhibition starts on Saturday, 20 August at 2 P.M. We can arrive a day earlier to prepare our stand, so keep all materials ready. Departure will be on Friday, 19 August at 9 A.M. We will meet in front of our company. Transport, food and accommodation will be paid to you next month.

Thanks, I count with you!

Best regards,

Monika Bartoňová.


1. Team Emily Watson John Smith

Monika Bartoňová, VES

2. Team Rick Bolton Tyler Brown

3. Team Jane Flower Kate Wilson

Ústní:A) Whatdidyou do last weekend? I had a familyweekend. I took my brother´s son to the zoo in Ostrava. He was very excitedabouttheelephants, especially by their big ears and a trunk. And howwasyourweekend?

B) Whatcanyoutellmeaboutyoustudies? I studieselementaryschool in Třinec, Sosna. I like to rememberit, because I met very greatpeoplethere. Then I went to thegrammarschool, whichwas in Třinec too, where I focused on theHumanities such as history and socialsciences. And nowI´m in collegehere in Karviná and I´mstudyingPublic Economy and Administration. And whataboutyourstudies?

C) The last time I was in restaurant with my boyfriend. Wecelebratedourthirdanniversary. Itwas a wonderful restaurant and the food wasdelicious. I ordered a saladwithsalmon and David ordered a beef steak withpotatoes.

1. Goodafternoon, Premium computers (primiumkompijutrs). Howcan I helpyou? 2. Goodafternoon, I´m Bartoňová and I´mcalling to complainaboutthe notebook which I orderedfromyourshop. 1. Couldyoutellmewhathappenedplease? 2. Yes, thepowercableismissing. 1. I apologiseforit, wewillsendit to youtomorrowmorning, it´sthatokay? 2. Sure, thankyou!

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