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Facts or opinions

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Obvious facts (truism, common sense) or facts that need proof and referencing? Decide in each case. If the sentences describe facts that need proof, what would be the adequate proof?

1 Detective stories belong to the most popular literary genres.

2 Detective stories definitely belong to the most popular literary genres whether its readers are adults or adolescents.

3 As the population keeps growing, so does the amount of people who use English as a mean of communication across the cultures.

4 The English language is now spoken by almost a third of the world’s population.

5 Phonetics is concerned with how sounds are produced, transmitted and perceived.

6 English has 20 different vowels and 24 different consonants.

7 In phonetics the word stress is a very prominent phenomenon.

8 The Speech Act Theory is a theory made up by Austin and his assistant Searle.

9 In the Harry Potter books, death is the really fundamental theme that can be observed in every single volume of the series.

10 As well as every part of a culture, fairy-tales and their characters have to adapt to the changes in society.

11 The Twilight Saga consists of four books, in which young Bella moves with her father to her childhood house in a little town called Forks in the state of Washington.

12 Bella is an example of an anti-feminine hero.

2 Which of the above would be right thesis testaments for a bachelor thesis?

3 How could you improve the following tentative thesis statements? Indicate what is wrong and give a suggestion for improvement in each case.

1 While people generally assume that playing violent video games will lead to undesired behavior, they forget to consider many other variables that affect the eventual outcome.

2 Every novel has its hero and villain.

3 Studying linguistics is essential for language teachers.

4 Elizabeth I. was an English and Irish queen from the House of Tudors, who ruled from 1558 to 1603 and died at the age of 69 on 24 March 1603.

5 Donnie Darko (2001) is a film with a very complicated plot and set on several time levels and so it is not easy to claim that its story has no cohesive explanation.

6 The Twilight Saga is a well-known story of epic love between an ordinary teenage girl and one hundred years old vampire, but unfortunately love is not the only message that these books send.

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