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The Spider and the Fly
Information for pronunciation and transcription
-In words of more than one syllable, the stress mark has been included too.
-Notice that the unstressed syllable nearly always contains / Ə/ - a weak vowel.
-In rapid connected speech, this sound can often disappear (be elided) altogether.
-Notice the plural of curtain /z/ because the sound preceding the letter -s is voiced.
This is called progressive assimilation of voice.
-Don’t forget that some letters are silent eg the b in subtle.
-The letter u, when it is a short vowel, is usually /ʌ/ eg hung, subtle,
-The letter a, when it is a short vowel, is usually /æ/ eg flattering , pantry.
-The letter a may also be / Ə/ in unstressed syllables eg awhile
-The letters ur are usually /ɜː/ in stressed syllables eg purple, curtains
- In surˡprise the stress is on the second syllable so the ur combination is pronounced/ Ə/.
1.parlour / ˡpɑːl Ə/ 2. winding / ˡwaɪndɪŋ/ 3.awhile /Əˡwaɪl/
4. little / /ˡlɪtl/ 5.affection /Əˡfekʃ(Ə)n/ 6. purple /ˡpɜːpl/
7.bright /braɪt/ 8.lead (metal-Pb) / led/ 9.hue /hj uː/
10.dismal / ˡdɪzm(Ə)l/
1. subtle / ˡsʌtl/ 2.welcome /ˡwelk (Ə)m/ 3.drawn /drɔːn/
4.hung /hʌŋ/ 5.thinking /ˡθɪŋkɪŋ/ 6.gentle /ˡʤentl/
7.curtains ˡkɜːt (Ə)nz/ 8.corner /ˡkɔːnƏ/ 9.pearl /ˡpɜːl/
10.nearer /ˡnɪƏrƏ/