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Modal verbs - přednáška

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Deontic modality = different shades of volitive disposition to realize an action

in conditional sentences: I can explain it if you will (=are willing) bear with me a little longer.

general characteristics: She will/would sit for hours at the window.

With inanimate subjects: The drawer won’t/wouldn’t shut.

Epistemic modality = probability based on speakers judgment

That will be the postmen. (To je určitě pošťák)

You will have heard about it of course. (Jistě jste už o tom slyšel)

That would be Mary, I expect (To by mohla být Marie)

She would have been around twenty when shegot married. (Bylo jí (mohlo jí být) tak dvacet, když se vdávala)

MODAL VERBS + negation

  • if modal verb phrase is negated then either the modality or the activity/state expressed by the main verb is negated

I mustn’t come late again. = must [not come] = obligation not to

I can’t come tomorrow. = [can not] = impossibility to

  • one must remember how each modal verb is negated, some modal verbs, however, can be negated in both ways

I may not see him again. – may [not see] = maybe I will not

- [may not] see = not allowed to see

  • remember: mustn’t = nesmět

nemuset = not have to, needn’t

Témata, do kterých materiál patří