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Pronouns - přednáška

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INDEFINITE PRONOUNS – neurčitá – someone, anybody, everyone, anywhere, nowhere…

They constitute a loose category of words brought together traditionally by the semantic fact that they do not refer to “something” specific. They have little (if anything) in common – a “leftover class”. The general semantic notion that unifies the majority of them is that of quantity → sometimes assigned to a separate class of quantifiers.


- self study

RELATIVE PRONOUNS – that, which, who – used in relative clauses (defining and undefining relative clauses)

  • Jack prepared a dish, which he is about to eat.

  • People who come from Wales…

  • Sometimes we use “who” to refer to animals, domestic pets

  • “WHOM” is formal, we don’t use it so much

  • “WHICH” when we refer to things (inanimate)

  • “THAT” – to refer to people or objects, but usually use “who” for a person

  • We can use “WHICH/THAT + preposition” instead of “WHERE”

    • The house where he composed is a museum. → The house that he composed in is a museum.


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