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Praktický jazyk - writing

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Thesis Statement

  1. Full grammatical sentence – it has a verb (Smoking has negative effects on health.)

  2. It express an opinion/position (Smoking has several effects. Smoking has negative effects.)

  3. It’s not a statement of fact (Cows give milk. Cow milk is good for your health.)

  4. It should be general enough but not too general

  5. It is a statement, not a question (Is smoking good for your health? Smoking is bad for your health.

  6. It express only 1 opinion

27. 3. 2017

- The second thing that reader reads


  1. Roundabout/Turnaroudn

  • Napíšeme něco, s čím čtenář souhlasí, ale pak přejdeme k něčemu jinému, opačnému - Brzké vstávání je hrozné. Ale má take spoustu výhod…

  1. Dramatic entrance

  • Jídla v menze jsou špatná. Jednou se mi stalo… - dramatická, vtipná historka o tom

  1. Famous/relevant quotation

  2. Funnel

  • Start with something general and make it more specific

  • Don’t start too general

  • Make sure one or more words of your thesis statement are in the first sentence

  • Make the reader interested in reading

  • Tell the topic

  • Contain the thesis statement

  • Explain what kind of essay is the one you’re writing

10. 4. 2017

Developmental paragraph

  1. Its topic sentence supports the thesis statement = does not contradict

= does not talk about something else

  1. It deals with a specific, narrow aspect

  2. They are arranged in a logical order


  1. It repeats the thesis statement

  2. It repeats your main points

  3. Do not introduce a new topic and do not contradict your thesis statement

Témata, do kterých materiál patří