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Clause elements features

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Syntactic characterization of clause elements

The subject

Typically a noun phrase – noun

pronoun (in the subjective form HE)

The verb

Always realized by a verb phrase

The object

Typically a noun phrase – noun

pronoun (in the objective form – HIM)

May generally become the subject of the corresponding passive clause.

The complement

Typically a noun phrase or an adjective phrase.

Does not have a corresponding passive subject.

The adverbial

Normally an adverb phrase, prepositional phrase, noun phrase or a clause



She made a good model.

I found her an entertaining partner.

He is cooking his family dinner.

Clause/sentence parsing

The man bought a raincoat.

The man who stole the money bought a raincoat with a warm lining.

That tall girl is Angela Hunt.

That tall girl standing in the corner who became angry because you waved to her when you entered is Angela Hunt.

Several people in my class have bought transistor radios with their scholarship money.


Témata, do kterých materiál patří