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Sentence Patterns - Exercises

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27. 9. 2018

SY1BE: Sentence Patterns - Exercises



Chalker, S. A Student´s English Grammar Workbook, Longman

Exercise 93 Clause structure

Identify the sentence types that the following sentences belong to as SV, SVO, SVC, SVA, SVOO, SVOC,

1. I felt very tired.

2. My feet hurt.

3. The receptionist handed me the key.

4. I wanted food.

5. I placed my coat over a chair.

6. I ordered myself something to eat.

7. It seemed sensible.

8. I lay on bed.

9. A waiter brought coffee and sandwiches.

10. He set the tray on a table.

11. I was yawning.

12. I found the bed rather hard.

13. The thick curtains extended to the floor.

14. But the hotel was situated on a busy street.

15. The traffic noise kept me awake.

Naposledy změněno: Pondělí, 17. září 2018, 11.26

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