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Word Order Exercises

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27. 9. 2018

SY1BE: Word Order Exercises



1. Make sentences 
in 1980 / happened / to her / rather interesting / something 
at Newcastle University / English literature / she / from 1967 to 1970 / 
as a lecturer / she / since 1974 / at Oxford Polytechnic / has worked 
jobs and houses / for a year / she / with a lecturer / swapped / from a 
New York University 
he / late / to school / comes / every day 
the room / he / in / out of / ran / a panic 
the morning of 16th June / he / 1832 / on / three o´clock / died / at

2. Correct the mistakes of Word Order 

1. Always I get at Christmas the same presents. 
2. A pair of socks sends me my aunt Frieda. 
3. I last year got from my relatives ten pairs of socks. 
4. I like very much reading. 
5. I don´t know why doesn´t somebody buy me a book. 
6. I used often to read in bed a book before going to sleep.

Naposledy změněno: Pondělí, 24. září 2018, 15.17

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