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Přednášky - britské studie

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BRSBE – Zkouška – lectures 1

1. Before Tudors 3

The Saxons, the Angles and the Juts 4

The Vikings and afterwards (865) 4

• 1215 – Magna Charta 4

• The parliament 4

• 1215 4

• Crusades 5

• 100 years war 5

• War of Roses 5


Henry VII. 6

Elisabeth I. 6

Renaissance 7

W. Shakespeare 7

Christopher Marlowe 7

Robert Greene 7

Ben Johnson 7

T. Mores 7

Francis Bacon 7

Amelia Lanier 7

Philip Sidney 7

Mary Sidney 8

Lady Mary Wroth 8

3. Stuarts 8

James I. 8

The Gunpowder plot 8

1620 8

Charles I. 8

1649-1660 9

Oliver Cromwell 9

Charles II. 9

James II. 9

Mary Stuart 10

Queen Ann 10

1800 10

Romanticism 10

James Watt 10

4th July 1799 11

Authors 11

4. THE VICTORIAN AGE (1837-1901) 11


John Stuart Mill 12

Pax Britanica 12

The Crimean war (1854) 12

Boer war (1899-1902) 12

Liberals vs. conservatives 12

Architecture 12

1840 – Waitangi treaty 12

The Irish famine (1845) 13

Australian gold rush (1851-1861) 13

The Sepoy movement (1857) 13

Victorian literature 13

5. The Twentieth century 13

1. WW (1914 – 1918) 14

1922 – Irish free state 14

1929 – Economic crisis 14

1933 – Hitler took power in Germany 14

The World War II 14

The Cold War 15

Bay of pig crisis 15

1945 – United Nations Organization (OSN) 15

Roosevelt + Churchill 15

1948 15

1956 – Suez crisis 16

1960 – the independence of 10 African countries 16

Common wealth 16

1970 16

1973 16

1979 – 1990 > Margaret Thatcher 16

1989 Fall of communism 16

1994 – good Friday agreement 16

1999 16

2016 – Brexit 16

Authors 17

Modernism 17

Realism 17

Poetry 17

Absurd theatre 17

Postmodernism 17

Impressionism 17

Before Tudors

  • 10.000 BC – the end of Ice age – hunters and fishermen

  • 3.000 BC – Neolithic age
    - Domestic animals for meat, leather, milk, …
    - Stonehenge – 3000-2400 BC (solar calendar, very modern and advanced for that time)

  • After Stonehenge: approx. 700 BC – The Celts

  • Druidic culture, mental processing

  • Julius Caesar – 55 BC

  • 43AD – Britain occupied by the Romans
    - All the road lead to Rome
    - They built the roads because of the army, communication and business
    - Business improved the lives of people (Londonium was in an excellent position for business, it was still near the water and there were many people)
    - Romans constructed sewage system (the world’s earliest) – they only used clean water for bathing and cooking – cleaner water = less diseases
    - Romans had a culture – you had to speak latin and dress like a Roman in order to became one

  • Boadicea’s revolt – she was an excellent woman warrior
    - The revolt was defeated

  • Roman towns – Londonium, Leicester, Winchester, Chester, Lancaster + the invention of villas
    - Villas were big comfortable houses

  • Hadrian’s wall – 122 AD – Separates England and Scotland

The Saxons, the Angles and the Juts
  • Celts driven to Wales and Scotland

  • Kingdoms: Essex, Sussex, Wessex, Middlesex, Mercia, East Anglia and Northumbia

  • The King’s council: Witan

  • The Manor (large house)
    - Three field system in order to have more produce out of it

  • 597 AD – Augustine sent to re-Christianize the island > Canterburry (the celtic monks) - Brought Christianity / religion to England! (Birth of Christianity – 4th century)

  • Clean water was difficult to find so they drank ail (light beer – for the lower class, for the upper class it was vine) – drinking alcohol was better than drinking polluted water – the alcohol killed the bacteria

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