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Classroom management přednáška

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Classroom Management 

What is classroom management?  

• the skill of creating the conditions in which 

learning can take place;  

• organisational skills and techniques

Classroom management involves both decisions 
and actions  
There is no perfect lesson 

What is classroom management?  

(Scrivener, 2011) 

Teacher in the classroom 

• Proximity 
• Appropriacy 
• Movement 
• Awarness 

Classroom management 

1. Grouping and seating 
2. Activities ( sequencing, starting, ending, timing) 
3. Giving instructions, teacher‘s body language, 

speaking clearly and appropriately 

4. Giving feedback, encouraging, error correction 
5. Authority, discipline, attention 
6. Starting and ending lessons 
7. Tools and techniques 

Classroom Management 

1. Grouping and seating   
-forming groups, singles, pairs, mingle, plenary; 
-arranging and rearranging seating;  
-deciding where you will stand or sit;  
-reforming class as a whole group after activities 

A, Whole-class teaching 

• It reinforces a sense of belonging among the 

group members (sharing amusement, emotions); 

• Is suitable for giving explanations and 


• Is more cost-efficient (material and organisation-


• Is good for the teacher to see general 

understanding  of student progress; 

• The students and teachers feel secure, well-


Whole class seating example 

Gower et al, 1995 

• Disadvantages: 
• It favours the group, individual students do 

not have much chance to say anything on 
their own; 

• Many students are disinclined to participate; 
• It is not suitable for communicative language 

teaching, task-based activities; 

B, Pair-work 

• Advantages: 
• STT; 
• Ss work and interact independently - 

promotes learner independence 

• It allows the teacher to work with one or two 

pairs while the others continue working; 

• promotes cooperation, sharing responsibility; 
• quick and easy to organize 

• Disadvantages: 
• noisy and some teachers and students dislike 

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