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Cleft, pseudocleft sentences

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Cleft and pseudo-cleft sentences

Eastwood, J. Oxford Guide to English Grammar, OUP

Quirk, R. A Student´s Grammar of the English Language, Ch:18, Longman

Dušková, L. Studies in the English Language,Ch:37, Karolinum

Cleft sentences

The pattern with IT

IT + BE + phrase + subordinate clause

The emphasis comes after be

England won the World Cup in 1966.

Subject: It was England who won the World Cup in 1966.

Object: It was the World Cup (that) England won in 1966.

Adverbial: It was in 1966 (that) England won the World Cup.



Pronoun as an OBJECT

It is THEY WHO (very formal)

I tis THEM THAT (very informal)


John wore his best suit at the dance last night.

S V Od A(place) A (time)

S: It was John (who, that) wore his best suit at the dance last night.

Od: It was his best suit that John wore at the dance last night.

A (place) It was at the dance that John wore his best suit last night.

A (time): It was last night that John wore his best suit at the dance.

It cleft deviates from the unmarked division of communicative dynamism.

(high amount of CD → low amount of CD)


It is the dog that scared me.

a) Postrašil mě pes. cleft sentence

b) To je ten pes, který mě postrašil. SVC (postmodification)

It is the country that she likes best.

It is an advantage that the team is afraid to lose.

Pseudo-cleft sentences

The pattern with WHAT

What clause + BE + phrase

Phrase + BE + What clause


The emphasis comes after be

What you need is a personal organiser.

A personal organiser is what you need.

Wh cleft conforms to the basic distribution of communicative dynamism (The principle of end-focus.)

IT cleft – wh cleft - interchangeable - inanimate NPs

We need a rest.

It is a rest that we need. What we need is a rest.

Predicate (emphasis on an action) - only Wh clefts – special construction

ALL/WHAT + SUBJECT + DO + BE + ACTION (verb, (to) infinitive)

The guests played mini-golf after tea.

What the guests did after tea was played/play/to play mini-golf.

It is possible to emphasise different parts of the sentence.

What the guests played after tea was mini-golf.

What happened after tea was that the guests played mini-golf.

WHO, WHOSE, WHY, HOW do not easily enter into the pseudo-cleft sentence construction. To compensate for these restrictions - numerous paraphrases of pseudo-cleft constructions are used.

The person who spoke to you must have been the manager.

Somebody whose writing I admire is Jill.

Other Wh words

1966 was (the year) WHEN England won the World Cup.

The sports hall is (the place) WHERE the students do the examination.

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